16th Annual Wichita Sports Medicine Symposium
Course Outline
Friday June 7th
1230-1300 – Registration
1300-1400 – Shana Gatschet, OT
Topic: Evidenced Based Tip’s & Tools for Treating your Parkinson’s Patients
- Understand the evidenced based research concluding the benefits of exercise in treating person’s with Parkinson’s Disease
- Identify and understand various treatment interventions for the different stages of Parkinson’s Disease
1400-1500 – Dr. Damion Walker, DO
Topic: Robotics in Orthopedics
- Understand the different surgical procedures that are now being done with Robotics
- Identify the rehabilitation differences between robotics and traditional surgeries
1500-1510 – Break
1510 – 1610 – Phil Vardiman, PhD, LAT, ATC
Topic: Our Fit Nation
- Identify the Our Fit Nation and the positive affects on our nations solders
- Identify the problems and hurdles encountered with the development and buy in with the Our Fit Nation Program.
1610 – 1620 – Break
1620 – 1720 – B.J. Lehecka, DPT
Topic: “Beglutiful”
- Understand the current best practices on “Return to Learn” following injury
- Understand the importance and process of developing a Concussion Response Team at the middle and high school
1720 – 1820 – Dr. Danial Prohaska, M.D.
Topic: The Superior Labrum: treatment of labrum and proximal biceps tendon injuries in 2019
- Understand the indications for treatment of the superior labrum. Does the mechanism fit the prescription?
- Understand the biceps tendon and it’s role in shoulder pain when unstable or degenerative.
1830 – 2000: BBQ Dinner and beverages catered by When Pigs Fly BBQ
2000 – 2230: Please Join Us For A Great Social: At the Wichita Marriott Hotel. Adult Beverages, Snacks and a Good Time
Saturday June 8th
0730-0800 – Registration
0800-0900 – Dr. Tarun Bhargava, M.D.
Topic: Partial Knee Union
- Understand current standards of care for Partial Knee Union
- Understand the advantages and disadvantages of the surgical approaches for Partial Knee Union
0900 – 0910 – Break
0910 – 1010 – Rob Manske, DPT
Topic: Traumatic Shoulder Instability
- Explain the causes of traumatic shoulder instability.
- Explain the treatment of traumatic shoulder instability
1110-1130 – Break
1130 – 1230 Rich Foveaux, DC
Topic: Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Sonography
- Be able to describe the normal appearance of muscles, tendons, and ligaments on a sonographic evaluation.
- Gain an understanding of the clinical advantages and disadvantages of sonography to evaluate common sports injuries and of ultrasound guided dry needling for the treatment of tendinopathy
1230 – 1245 – Lunch
1245 – 1345 – David Fitzhugh, PhD, LAT, ATC, Paramedic I/C
Topic: Athlete Sudden Death
- Understand in depth the different causes of Athlete Sudden Death
- Understand the importance of a full pre-participation physical’s in preventing Athlete Sudden Death.
1345 – 1445 – Holly Zook Milligan, DPT
Topic: Fascia – Why it matters for how we treat today’s “athlete”
- Describe and understand the facts and fiction of Fascia: the body’s “new” organ
- Understand the affects of fascia before and after and injury
1445-1500 – Wrap Up
Total Hours: 11