Course Outline

16th Annual Wichita Sports Medicine Symposium

Course Outline 

 Friday June 7th   

1230-1300 – Registration   


1300-1400 – Shana Gatschet, OT

    Topic: Evidenced Based Tip’s & Tools for Treating your Parkinson’s Patients

  1. Understand the evidenced based research concluding the benefits of exercise in treating person’s with Parkinson’s Disease
  2. Identify and understand various treatment interventions for the different stages of Parkinson’s Disease


1400-1500 –           Dr. Damion Walker, DO

     Topic: Robotics in Orthopedics

  1. Understand the different surgical procedures that are now being done with Robotics
  2. Identify the rehabilitation differences between robotics and traditional surgeries


1500-1510 – Break


1510 – 1610 –  Phil Vardiman, PhD, LAT, ATC

     Topic: Our Fit Nation

  1. Identify the Our Fit Nation and the positive affects on our nations solders
  2. Identify the problems and hurdles encountered with the development and buy in with the Our Fit Nation Program.

1610 – 1620 –  Break


1620 – 1720 –  B.J. Lehecka, DPT

     Topic: “Beglutiful”

  1. Understand the current best practices on “Return to Learn” following injury
  2. Understand the importance and process of developing a Concussion Response Team at the middle and high school


1720 – 1820 –  Dr. Danial Prohaska, M.D.

     Topic: The Superior Labrum: treatment of labrum and proximal biceps tendon injuries in 2019

  1. Understand the indications for treatment of the superior labrum.  Does the mechanism fit the prescription?
  2. Understand the biceps tendon and it’s role in shoulder pain when unstable or degenerative.


1830 – 2000: BBQ Dinner and beverages catered by When Pigs Fly BBQ

2000 – 2230: Please Join Us For A Great Social: At the Wichita Marriott Hotel.  Adult Beverages, Snacks and a Good Time


Saturday June 8th 

0730-0800 – Registration

0800-0900 –  Dr. Tarun Bhargava, M.D.

     Topic: Partial Knee Union

  1. Understand current standards of care for Partial Knee Union
  2. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of the surgical approaches for Partial Knee Union


0900 – 0910  – Break


0910 – 1010 – Rob Manske, DPT

  Topic: Traumatic Shoulder Instability

  1. Explain the causes of traumatic shoulder instability.
  2. Explain the treatment of traumatic shoulder instability


 1110-1130 – Break


1130 – 1230 Rich Foveaux, DC

     Topic: Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Sonography

  1. Be able to describe the normal appearance of muscles, tendons, and ligaments on a sonographic evaluation.
  2. Gain an understanding of the clinical advantages and disadvantages of sonography to evaluate common sports injuries and of ultrasound guided dry needling for the treatment of tendinopathy


1230 – 1245 – Lunch 


1245 – 1345 – David Fitzhugh, PhD, LAT, ATC, Paramedic I/C

     Topic: Athlete Sudden Death

  1. Understand in depth the different causes of Athlete Sudden Death
  2. Understand the importance of a full pre-participation physical’s in preventing Athlete Sudden Death.


1345 – 1445 – Holly Zook Milligan, DPT

     Topic: Fascia – Why it matters for how we treat today’s “athlete”

  1. Describe and understand the facts and fiction of Fascia: the body’s “new” organ
  2. Understand the affects of fascia before and after and injury


1445-1500 – Wrap Up

Total Hours: 11